الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
EQUIPMENT DETAILS Direct eXpansion Air Handling Unit / Mini split / Packaged Units
EQUIPMENT DETAILS Direct eXpansion Air Handling Unit / Mini split / Packaged Units
صيانة دورية جداول جاهزة وحدة تبريد بالتبخير المباشر - تمدد مباشر
Qty: Lot
Make & Model
Direct eXpansion Air Handling Unit / Mini split / Packaged Units
Consumable Spare Parts
Task Description
W / Weekly M / Monthly Q / Quarterly SA/ Semi/Annually
A/ Annually SST / Seasonal Start/Up SSH / Season Shut Down
2W M 3M
6M A Notes
Item Description
Qty Notes
Check the operation of machines.
Check the temperature on the thermostat to
Check the gas flow
Clean the filters
Check control and electric connection
Check the belt tension
Check the motor bearing and bushes, if
necessary change
Check oil and gas
Clean the evaporator and condenser coil
Clean the control panel with the blower
Clean drain tray and pipes
Clean / Check electrical control and contactor
Function of other control equipment
Check with operating or area personnel for deficiencies.
Check unit for proper operation, excessive noise, or vibration.
Clean intake side of condenser coils, fans, and intake screens.
Check electrical wiring and connections; tighten loose connections.
Inspect fan(s) for bent blades or unbalance; adjust and clean as necessary.
Check belts for condition, proper tension and misalignment; adjust as required.
Lubricate shaft bearings and motor bearings.
Inspect piping and valves for leaks; tighten connections as necessary.
Replace air filters.
Check refrigerant pressure; add refrigerant as necessary.
Clean evaporator drain pan, and drain piping as required.
Cycle the reverse cycle valve to insure proper operation.
Clean area around equipment.
Fill out maintenance checklist and report deficiencies.
Notes :
Use additional sheets if required
PPM routines based on Complete
Running hour where recommended by the Manufacturer
في أمان الله !
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